Sunday, December 12, 2010

I'm Still Here

Nothing eventful has happened, but I thought I should update everyone on how it's going.

Well, I'm sick. Nothing bad- just fever/bowel issues. If at home, I would just lay up for a couple days, but here there's always the worry that it's dysentery/malaria/typhoid. Probably not, but I'll let you know if it is.

Work is going fine, albeit slowly, because the major focus of my work has not yet started. This is kind of nice, as it allows me to work from home a couple days a week, and I've used the extra time to orient myself a little further with Kigali. I'm getting a better feel for the shops and how to get from A to B.

I ordered a desk for my room from a small furniture shop. They're one of these poorly located, not advertised, wouldn't know about it except that my friends told me about it, kind of place, so that's fun. After a very brief haggling session, I agreed to pay RWF 20,000, or $33 for just a simple table. But of course, Jerome told me that it would be ready in two days. That was nine days ago. Which I'm okay with, because I'll now be able to pay like half that amount. My goal is to get it down to 12,000.

Only six days until Christmas break! I'm flying up to London this Friday to hang out with the Wallace family for a couple weeks. In case you're not a member of my family or otherwise not aware, my sister gave birth to little Georgia Ruth Wallace a couple weeks ago, so I'll get to meet my niece. Looking forward to that very much.

It's been raining for days. It's usually clear in the morning, but heavy, wet tropical storms come through in the afternoon that disrupt the power and the internet, along with making everything humid and preventing the clothes on the line from drying. This is the end of the rainy season- when I return to Rwanda in January, we should have at least two months without a drop.

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